List of Pedagogical Elements

In the previous section we reviewed how pedagogical elements can be incorporated into textbooks. Here we provide a more comprehensive overview of common pedagogical elements, organized into:

  • openers
  • closers
  • integrated pedagogical devices

These are elements that may open, close or be used throughout a chapter or section, respectively.

Types of Pedagogical Elements
  • overviews (previews)
  • introductions
  • outlines (text, bullets or graphics)
  • focus questions (knowledge and comprehension questions)
  • learning goals / objectives / outcomes / competences / skills
  • case problem
  • special features, e.g. vignettes, photos, quotations…
Integrated Pedagogical Devices
  • emphasis (bold) of key words
  • marginalia that summarize paragraphs
  • lists that highlight main points
  • summary tables and graphics
  • cross-references that link backwards (or sometimes forwards) to important concepts
  • markers to identify embedded subjects (e.g. an “external” term used and that needs explanation)
  • study and review questions
  • pedagogical illustrations (concepts rendered graphically)
  • tips (to help with misconceptions or procedural errors)
  • reminders
  • case studies
  • problem descriptions
  • debates and reflections
  • profiles (case descriptions)
  • primary sources and data
  • models
  • conclusions and summaries (may include diagrams)
  • list of definitions
  • reference boxes (e.g. computer instructions)
  • review questions
  • self-assessment (usually simple quizzes)
  • small exercises
  • substantial exercises and problem cases
  • fill-in tables to prepare a real world task
  • ideas for projects (academic or real world)
  • bibliographies and links (that can be annotated)

Adapted from “Textbook writing tutorial”. by Daniel K. Schneider. licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0


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