Pressbooks Basics

Rayne Vieger and Allia Service

Pressbooks is just one authoring tool of many that you can use to author your OER, but it’s an intuitive tool for OER projects that are in a book-like format, such as monographs and textbooks. This section will provide some introductory training resources to help familiarize you with the platform.

Why Use Pressbooks?

Pressbooks is online software that enables authors and publishers to design and format any kind of book, including:

  • PDF: for print or print on demand
  • EPUB: for Apple iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Kindle and most other ebook platforms
  • Webbook: private or public

Pressbooks is used by independent authors, small and medium-sized publishers, and educational institutions around the world. All book formats are produced using templates that are optimized to look great in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. File exports produced with Pressbooks can be exported and downloaded from Pressbooks and distributed or shared however you like. The advantages of Pressbooks include:

  • A simple, familiar interface
  • Professionally-designed book files, without complex software
  • Unlimited ability to edit, update, and (re)export books
  • Ability to collaborate with other authors and editors
  • A variety of book formats
  • Affordable access
  • Complete control over your own content

If you’d like to explore examples of other Pressbooks OER creators have authored all over the world, check out the Pressbooks Directory.

What is a ‘Webbook’?

Pressbooks webbooks are website versions of your book that are hosted on Pressbooks and can be distributed for free to the public. Many use Pressbooks webbooks to produce and distribute open educational resources (OER). Unlike PDFs and ebooks, webbooks are a live version of your book that doesn’t need to be exported or downloaded.

Pressbooks produces a web version of every book. You can view yours at any time by clicking the Visit Book link underneath the title of your book in the top menu. However, your Pressbooks webbook is Private until you change the Global Privacy Setting to Public. For more information on how to control the privacy of your webbook, visit the Privacy Settings chapter.

Training Resources

User Guide

The Pressbooks user guide is the comprehensive resource to help familiarize you with the platform, and it is regularly updated and maintained by the vendor. If this is your first time using the platform, I recommend reading this guide, and in particular, read these sections:

Video Tutorials

If videos are supportive of your learning process, you may consider checking out Pressbooks Youtube channel for tutorials. I recommend watching the following video to get started:

1:1 Consultations

At any time, if you’d like to consult with someone at UO, please feel welcome to consult with the OER team ( and we’d be happy to help talk through any questions you have or problems you’re trying to solve in the platform.


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Pressbooks Basics Copyright © 2023 by Rayne Vieger and Allia Service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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