
Rayne Vieger

Welcome to the Open Pedagogy Student Toolkit! The goal of this toolkit is to provide you, the student, a self-paced resource that will guide you through the ins and outs of open pedagogy, including defining open pedagogy, the benefits of open pedagogy, and student creator rights. This toolkit is also available as a Google Doc.

Students: How To Use This Toolkit

If this is your first time in a class that uses open pedagogy we are excited for you! Your instructor is working towards creating a more equitable and engaging environment for you to learn in, and this is an opportunity to take agency over your own educational experience. We hope this toolkit will provide the support you need to understand not only why your instructor is incorporating open pedagogy into your class, but also the benefits of open pedagogy, your rights and responsibilities as a creator, and finally, practical tools to complete your open pedagogy project.

A note on the toolkit: The toolkit references U.S. Copyright and U.S. Dept. of Education Student Privacy Policies (FERPA).



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The Open Pedagogy Student Toolkit Copyright © 2023 by Rayne Vieger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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