Chapter 8 – Reading Skills

Your Turn

Bibi Halima and Keli Yerian

Before closing this page, take a moment to reflect on your experience with reading in your L2. It can be useful to revisit your past experiences to assess your reading skills and make informed decisions about your future goals.

Looking back

  • Reflecting on your L2 reading journey, what type of content have you been engaged with so far? Have you explored a variety of reading materials? Was there a specific genre you think you enjoyed better than others? How do you think interest-based reading can influence your reading habits?
  •  Can you recall a time when you tried engaging in extensive reading? How was the experience? Were there any specific challenges?  Did you use any strategies to make the most of your extensive reading despite the challenges?
  • Based on your past L2 reading experiences, have you already been re-reading and using focus-on-forms strategies? How has it helped you to evaluate your own progress?

Looking Ahead

  • As you work toward your future L2 reading goals, how do you think you will consciously adopt or adapt specific strategies from this chapter to match with different purposes and genres?
  • If you haven’t already identified your reading level, what steps you will take to determine your current level in reading? Do you think reading at your level will keep you motivated?
  • Given the value and benefits of extensive reading,  how could you personally increase the volume of input through reading? What could you do to make it consistent and manageable for you?




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