Chapter 9 – Writing Skills

Writing Strategies & Stories

Keli Yerian; Faith Adler; and Bibi Halima

As in the previous skills chapters, this section shares some strategies for learning to write in your L2. As before, some of these were crowd-sourced from students taking LING 144 Learning How to Learn Languages, and we hope more will be added by future cohorts. Though not all of these specific strategies will work for everyone, feel free to try out a few and see what works for you. You might be surprised about which strategies stick!

A few of the strategies have students’ stories included. Enjoy finding and reading them!

Metacognitive strategies for writing

Think about why you are writing
Think about what you are writing, and who you are writing to
Make a plan to write, and a plan for what you’re writing
Use visuals to map out or illustrate what you are writing
Take advantage of your language class

Socio-affective strategies for writing 

Keep a journal
Indulge in freewriting
Build your writing community
Write notes to a friend, family member, or pen pal
Ask others to review your writing
Ask more proficient speakers to reformulate what you have written
Find a place and time for writing that is comfortable for you

Strategies specific to presentational writing

Review your writing if it needs to be clear or accurate
Read your writing aloud
Use digital tools to help you revise and edit (but wisely)

Strategies common to both interpersonal and presentational writing

Don’t stop frequently to correct small errors, look up words, or translate
Be creative in the way only an L2 writer can be
Trace new writing systems
Incorporate what you read into your own writing
Create mnemonics for different writing systems
Keep a vocabulary journal
Use circumlocution

Strategies specific to Interpersonal writing

Don’t worry about mistakes
Add an L2 keyboard
Learn from autocorrect

Can you think of any other writing strategies that we could add to any of the lists above?



Brown, H.D. & Lee, H. (2015). Teaching by principles: An integrative approach to language pedagogy (4th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Paige, R. M., Cohen, A. D., Kappler, B., Chi, J. C., & Lassegard, J. P. (2006). Maximizing study abroad: A students’ guide to strategies for language and culture learning and use (2nd ed.). Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota.




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Learning How to Learn Languages Copyright © 2024 by Keli Yerian; Faith Adler; and Bibi Halima is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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