Chapter 3 – Access and Power in Language Learning

Language Endangerment and Revitalization

Keli Yerian and Bibi Halima

PReview Questions

  • What is language endangerment?
  • Why are many indigenous languages endangered?
  • What is involved in language revitalization?
  • Why are language endangerment and revitalization relevant to language learning?


7164 languages!

According to Ethnologue, this is the number of living languages as of 2024 (Eberhard et al., 2024a). Does this number surprise you? It can be amazing to realize that there are over 7000 ways for humans to talk to one another. This means 7000 grammatical systems, 7000 systems for combining sounds or signs, 7000 inventories of vocabulary, and 7000 ways to express one’s culture and identity. And if we count languages from the past that are no longer spoken and the different varieties of languages that might be counted as the ‘same’ language, this number is even larger.

Languages at Risk

We may count over 7000 languages today, but this number is decreasing every year. Although language loss is not a new phenomenon, the pace of loss has accelerated in recent times far beyond historical trends, similar to the increasing pace of biodiversity loss. Ethnologue states that 42% of languages are currently at risk of disappearing from everyday use, which is a much higher percentage than in the past (Eberhard et al., 2024b). In other words, over 3000 languages are endangered right now and the rate of language endangerment is showing no signs of slowing down. Over half of today’s languages could  be severely endangered by 2100 ( Sallabank & Austin, 2023).


UNESCO’s Atlas of World Languages in Danger categorizes endangered languages into six levels of risk, ranging from vulnerable to critically endangered or extinct (Moseley, 2010). Importantly, languages become endangered when they are highly minoritized. Through the processes of colonization and globalization, many minoritized communities have been forced or incentivized to adopt majority languages as their own.

Move the slider along the bottom of the image below to see this process in action in North America.


North American Language Groups from Pre-Colonization to Present

Move the slider to see change over time on the map below. Accessible description of the slider activity.


The disappearance of many indigenous languages in the Americas is a result of the suppression or active elimination of Native peoples and their voices. In the U.S. and Canada, children were forced to attend Boarding Schools that forbade them from speaking their own languages, which severed their linguistic and cultural ties to their original Tribes.

Before the arrival of European settlers in the 1600s, there were over 300 indigenous languages spoken in North America (Britannica, n.d.). Only around half of these have fluent speakers today, and it is estimated that without revitalization efforts, only around 20 spoken indigenous languages will remain in 2050 (Indigenous Language Institute, as cited by Cohen, 2010, in The New York Times). In the video below, Andrina Wekontash Smith, a Shinnecock educator, explains further about the history of indigenous language loss in the United States.



Are we losing more than words?

We may wonder, why does it matter to lose minoritized languages? We have the majority languages we can communicate in instead, right? Well, these questions are easiest to ask when your own language is not the one in danger. We may not always notice, but in each language lies the history of communities, the wisdom of collective minds and the incredible stories and ecological knowledge of human societies, in addition to a unique grammatical and sound system developed over thousands of years. It is in languages that we find diverse ways to express hope and dreams for our futures. People live through their languages!

Lost Words, Found Voices

At this point you might assume that once languages are lost, they are forever gone. But interestingly languages can come “back to life”. There are initiatives around the world led by community members, educators, linguists, and other scholars to document, reclaim and revitalize endangered languages. Some people are even reviving languages that have been considered “extinct” preferring to call them dormant or sleeping. These individuals and communities are putting tremendous effort into breathing life into ancestral stories and keeping traditional language in community daily life.

The process of revitalization involves “giving new life and vigor to a language that has been decreasing in use (or has ceased to be used altogether)” (Skutnabb-Kangas, 2018, p. 13). But it is not an easy or straightforward process. Reviving or maintaining the use of an endangered language usually involves multiple painstaking stages that depend on the status of the language in the community, the extent of documentation of the language, the number of resources and finances to support materials, community interest, and leadership.

This work can be slow and often painful. Elliott (2022) notes that, “language revitalization efforts are typically started by dedicated individuals or groups of individuals who aim to support their heritage language. In assembling a team, if possible, they start with the expertise of remaining L1 speakers, typically elders. They may choose to include on their team academics or experts, who may be either ‘outsiders’ or tribal members” (pp. 438-439). Examples of current revitalization efforts globally include the Ainu language in northern Japan, Quechua varieties in countries of the South American Andes, the Manchu language in China, and the Gunggari language in Australia, among many others.

A worldwide survey shows that language revitalization efforts are a growing phenomenon globally. As shown in the graph below, more than half of these efforts began just within the last 25 years (Pérez-Báez et al., 2019). It is exciting to see that people of minoritized communities and their allies worldwide are raising their voices to sustain and empower their languages.


Bar chart: the inception of language revitalization efforts are limited before 1980, when they start to increase, before doubling to peak in the 2000s and then dipping post 2010.
Revitalization efforts by year of inception, Pérez-Báez, 2019, p. 462.

Revitalization Efforts In Oregon

If we zoom in on the Northwest United States we see many efforts underway. Below is a image hotspots map of some of the indigenous language revitalization projects currently happening in what is now the state of Oregon.

Image Hotspots map of Oregon Revitalization Efforts 

Click on the green markers below to read information that has been published about these efforts. Accessible description of the image hotspots activity.


Institutes that support revitalization efforts allow for coordinated efforts in multiple communities. For example, the Northwest Indian Language Institute (NILI) was founded in 1998 in response to requests from Native communities of Oregon. NILI is situated in an “old white wooden house on the east edge of campus” at the University of Oregon and provides assistance for revitalization efforts in multiple indigenous languages including Ichishkíin, Chinuk Wawa, Tolowa-Dee-ni, and Lushootseed, among others (Elliott, 2022, p. 441). Their work includes teacher training, curriculum development, language documentation, appropriate uses in technology, outreach services on issues of language endangerment and advocacy for language revitalization issues (NILI).

What does this have to do with me?

You may be asking yourself this question. Our answer is threefold.

First, as we said in the previous sections on Heritage languages and LCTLs, for some of you this may be a very personal topic. if you are Native or have Native heritage, your own heritage language may be the one that you most want to learn.

Second, for those without a personal tie to an indigenous language, you still can participate in helping these languages thrive and prosper. Often classes at the university are open to anyone, no matter their heritage. For example in Eugene, Oregon, Ichishkíin is offered at the University of Oregon, and Chinuk Wawa is offered at Lane Community College. Taking a class on an indigenous language can give you insight and sensitivity to Native culture, history, and of course the language itself. The grammar of Ichishkiin, for example, is remarkably complex and quite different from most other languages. But learning in the classroom is not the only way. You can also participate in cultural events hosted on campus or in the community that celebrate indigenous peoples and languages. This can be a purposeful experience for those who want to explore a language different from the few majoritized languages typically offered worldwide.

Perhaps most importantly, whether or not you take an indigenous language class, by learning about endangered languages you will be more aware of the power and politics of language learning. You can become a strong advocate for supporting endangered minoritized languages and develop deep appreciation for the people who are learning and using them.


Pause and Explore

Do you know languages in your own context that are endangered or at risk? Native Land Digital is one way you can find out the history of the land you are currently living on using this interactive map. Find your own context and see which language(s) were originally spoken there. You will likely be surprised by the diversity of languages you’ll find. There is a high likelihood that while searching for one singular endangered language, you may find many other languages that are either endangered or currently dormant.


At the end of this section, assess your understanding.


Language Endangerment and Revitalization Comprehension Check 

Select the best answer for each question.



Britannica. (n.d.). American Indian languages. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

Cohen, P. (2010, April 3). Indian tribes go in search of their lost languages. The New York Times. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

Degawan, M. (2023, July 3). Indigenous languages: knowledge and hope. The UNESCO Courier. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., & Fennig, C. D. (Eds.). (2024a). How many languages are there in the world?Ethnologue: Languages of the World (27th ed.). SIL International. Online version:

Eberhard, D. M., Simons, G. F., & Fennig, C. D. (Eds.). (2024b). How many languages are endangered? Ethnologue: Languages of the World (27th ed.). SIL International. Online version:

Elliott, R. (2022). Language revitalization as a plurilingual endeavour. In E. Piccardo, A. Germain, & G. Lawrence (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of plurilingual language education (1st ed., pp. 435–448). Routledge.

Grenoble, L. A. (2013). Language revitalization. In R. Bayley, R. Cameron, & C. Lucas (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of sociolinguistics (pp. 792-811). Oxford University Press.

Hermes, M., Bang, M., & Marin, A. (2012). Designing indigenous language revitalization. Harvard Educational Review, 82(3), 381-402.

Moseley, C. (2010). Atlas of the world’s languages in danger. UNESCO. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

Pérez-Báez, G., Vogel, R., & Patolo. U. (2019). Global survey of revitalization efforts: A mixed methods approach to understanding language revitalization practices. Language Documentation & Conservation, 13, 446-513.

Reid, L. F., & Kawash, J. (2017). Let’s talk about power: How teacher use of power shapes relationships and learning. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching2, 34-41.

Sallabank, J., & Austin, P. (2023). Endangered languages. In L. Wei, Z. Hua, & J. Simpson (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of applied linguistics (2nd ed., Volume 2). Routledge.

Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2018). Language rights and revitalization. In L. Hinton, L. Huss, & G. Roche (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language revitalization (pp. 11-21). Routledge.


Image & Activity Descriptions

Language Groups Map Slides
Indigenous Language Revitalization Efforts in Oregon 

Media Attributions

  • time-of-inception


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Learning How to Learn Languages Copyright © 2024 by Keli Yerian and Bibi Halima is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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