Chapter 6 – Listening or Viewing Skills
Your Turn
Bibi Halima and Keli Yerian
Now that you’ve hopefully been inspired by the strategies and stories in the previous section, we invite you to join us by reflecting on your own language learning paths. We encourage you to first recall your past experiences and then imagine your next steps.
Looking back
- Can you recall a time when you were discouraged while listening/viewing in your L2? What do you think were the reasons? Looking back, do you think it was because your expectations were too high for your level?
- How have digital tools and resources been useful to you so far to support your listening/viewing? If you were to recommend any of them to someone, which ones would you choose and why?
- Was there a time when you did not understand everything someone was saying? How was your tolerance for ambiguity? Did you give up, or adopt any strategies to capture what you didn’t get?
Looking ahead
- Do you think you will engage differently with listening content given the emergence of technological advancements such as AI?
- How do you feel about listening to language varieties that are different from standardized varieties? Do you think you will seek out more diverse listening materials in the future? Why or why not?
- Based on our discussion of the benefits of multimodal learning, do you feel you’ve taken full advantage of other modalities in the past while listening? How do you think you will incorporate multimodality to support your listening more than before?
Willingness to tolerate ideas and propositions that are unclear at first
A language variety that is considered to be more 'correct' or 'proper' and thus has more power and importance in a community
Use of different modalities such as sight, hearing, or touching