Chapter 7 – Speaking or Signing Skills

Your Turn

Bibi Halima and Keli Yerian

Now we invite you to reflect on your own language learning path. It can be useful to first think back on your past experiences with language learning to better evaluate and choose your next steps in the future.

LookIng back

  • Recall a time when you had to prepare a formal speech or story in your L2. Now, try to think of a time you talked about something more casually. Can you now identify the differences between presentational and interpersonal modes as an informed language learner?
  • Do you remember a time you were struggling to speak or sign in your target language? How did it go? Did you use any strategies? If yes, which ones and how did they work?
  • Have you ever had a conversation in any language where you suspected there was a miscommunication related to culture or pragmatics? What makes you think it was cultural? Did you try to learn or understand more about it?

Looking ahead

  • Which of these speaking and signing principles and strategies are most relevant and interesting to you? Which of these are you interested in trying next?
  • What resources can you identify around you? How would you use them to help you with your speaking or signing goals?
  • Out of the strategies we described in this chapter, which one would you consider using to minimize any anxiety or feeling of perfectionism you may have while speaking your L2?





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Learning How to Learn Languages Copyright © 2024 by Bibi Halima and Keli Yerian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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