27 Alphabet: د ذ ر
For each letter learn the:
independent form
final form medial form initial form
-the name of the letter
-whether it connects to the letter that follows (all letters connect to the preceding letter)
-the sound the letter makes
-how it is transliterated
د ىد ىد
- daal
- one-way connector
- like “d” sound but in front of mouth
ر ىر ىرd
- ra’
- one-way connector
- a flip in the front of the mouth
- r
ذ ىذ ىذ
- dhaal
- one-way connector
- similar to the sound of the th in “this” (but not the sound of th in “throw”, which is another letter)
- dh
Copy the following letters on a piece of paper
ر ر رر ر ر ر ر ر ر ر ر
د د د د د د د د د د د د د د
ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ