35 Classroom Activity: Pick an Arabic name
Feminine Names
امنية (Umnia) “a wish”
أمل (Āmel) “Hope”
أميرة (ʼAmeeraḧ). “Princess”
ألاء (Alaa) “blessings”
إيمان (ʼĪmān) “Faith, belief”. Feminine/mas.
جميلة (Jamīlaḧ). “Beautiful”.
فريدة (fareedah), “unique”.
هدى (Huda). “guidence”. Feminine
زهرة (Zahraḧ). “Flower”. Feminine.
سارة (Sara), Sarah. “A woman that is a pleasure (to see/know)”.
ندى (Neda).”the dew drops”.
سلمى (Salma) “safe”
ريم (Reem) “the little deer”
شيماء (Shayma). “The one with great traits”
شيرين (Shīrīn). “Sweet, pleasant, gracious, delicate”. Persian name
ديما (Deema) “rain”
عبير (ʻAbīr) “Fragnance”
ليلى (Laylā) Layla “Woman of the night”
مريم (Maryam), Maryam. Arabic form of Mary
نور (Noor) “Light”
حبيبة(Habeeba) “beloved”
لميس (Lamees) “soft touch”
Male Names
اِبراهيم (ʼIbrāhīm), Ibrahim. “Father, leader of many” Arabic form of Abraham.
أحمد (ʼAḥmed), Ahmad or Ahmed. “To praise or to thank”.
باسم (Bāsim). “Smiling”
كريم (Kareem), generous
خالد (Khālid), Khalid. “Immortal”. .
فريد (fareed),. “unique”. .
داوود (Dāwūd), Dawud. Islamic form of David. .
سامح (samiH),. “forgiving”. .
يوسف (youssif ). “Arabic name of Joseph.”. .
زياد “ abundant”.
عمر (Omer). “has a long life”. .
مالك (Malik ), owner.. .
سامر (Samīr), Samir. ” an entertaining companion.” .
صلاح (Ṣalāḥ). “Goodness/reform”. .
طارق (Ṭāriq), Tariq. “The name of a star; One that passes by, comes often”. .
الله عبد (ʻAbdu-llāh), ‘Abdullah. “Servant of God”. .
محمد (Muhammed), the praised one (name of the prophet of Islam)
ياسر (Yasser) the easy one
مصطفى (Mustafa), the chosen one
عبد الرحمن (Abd al-Rahman)
حسين (Husayn)
حسن (Hassen) the good one
هارون (Haroon) Aaron (brother of prophet Abraham)
أشرف (Ashref) most honourable
سيف (Sayff) sword