4 Sun letters
As you have learned, the definite article is ال (al-).
kitaab > al-kitaab
walad > al-walad
jaami3a > al-gaami3a
There is one more nuance to this that does not affect spelling, but does appreciate pronunication. This is that all letters that make a “t” “s” “sh” “z” “r” or similar sounds (splosives
prounounced in the front of the mouth) are considered “sun letters.” When you add an ال to words that begin with one of these letters, the ل (L) is silent, and you double the sound of the first letter. Thus
to say hello the word “Salaam” has an ال on it, but you do not pronounce al-Salaam but instead as-Salaam (with the initial “s” standing in for the “l” that was elided.)
salaam > as-salaam
Taalib > aT-Taalib
rabb > ar-rabb
Zarf > az-Zarf
You will review these sun letters more later after you have learned the entire alphabet, but we wanted to introduce this to you know to aid your correct pronunciation.