7 View, Compare, and Restore Revisions

Every time you save your chapter, Pressbooks stores a copy of that revision. By clicking ‘Browse’ next to the revision count in the Status & Visibility menu you can view past revisions. You can see who made each revision, when it was saved, and compare or restore old versions.

For example:

Open Educational Resources (OER) areĀ free and openly licensed course materials, such as free textbooks, that can help ensure that all of your students, regardless of their financial situation have free access to your course materials on the first day of class. OER fit under the larger umbrella of textbook affordability, with the goal of providing a variety of solutions for faculty to minimize the cost of course materials for students, while also maintaining the quality of educational materials and respecting academic freedom. OER include traditional textbooks, lesson plans, videos quizzes and more.



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