
Book Title: Science and Comics Initiative

Authors: Tien-Tien Yu; Kate Kelp-Stebbins; Luca Mazzucato; Audra McNamee; Dimitri DaMommio; Jayson Paulose; Rose Gibian; Tim Cohen; Nina Gomez; Kate Mills; Madison Ellis; John Toner; Radio Platenberg; Ben McMorran; Margaret Kyser; Mike Raymer; Samantha Cohen; Robert Schofield; Anja Bedrick; David Allcock; Page Biersdorff; Laura Jeanty; Ellyce Whiteman; Rebecca Frederick; John H. Postlethwait; Thomas Desvignes; Mary Hubbert; Isabel Lopez; Scott Fisher; Sophia Breslin; Ella Gordon; Dave Soper; Omar Khouri; Bentley Smallwood; Rachel Lukowicz-Bedford; Natalie Garcia; Richard Taylor; Saba Moslehi; Jessica Bolden; Pragalv Karki; Meghan Chrissakis; and Ben Farr

Cover image for Science and Comics Initiative

Book Description: Founded by physics professor Tien-Tien Yu and comics and cartoon studies professor Kate Kelp-Stebbins, the University of Oregon Science and Comics Initiative unites two growing areas at the University of Oregon: Comics & Cartoon Studies and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The initiative brings together faculty, students, and researchers from numerous departments, programs, and campus facilities to produce scholarship that utilizes both humanistic and scientific research practices. Comics Studies students work with UO scientists to produce compelling and visually engaging comics based on the research of the scientists. This book is a collection of the finished comics created by an undergraduate, researcher pair.

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Book Information


Tien-Tien Yu; Kate Kelp-Stebbins; Luca Mazzucato; Audra McNamee; Dimitri DaMommio; Jayson Paulose; Rose Gibian; Tim Cohen; Nina Gomez; Kate Mills; Madison Ellis; John Toner; Radio Platenberg; Ben McMorran; Margaret Kyser; Mike Raymer; Samantha Cohen; Robert Schofield; Anja Bedrick; David Allcock; Page Biersdorff; Laura Jeanty; Ellyce Whiteman; Rebecca Frederick; John H. Postlethwait; Thomas Desvignes; Mary Hubbert; Isabel Lopez; Scott Fisher; Sophia Breslin; Ella Gordon; Dave Soper; Omar Khouri; Bentley Smallwood; Rachel Lukowicz-Bedford; Natalie Garcia; Richard Taylor; Saba Moslehi; Jessica Bolden; Pragalv Karki; Meghan Chrissakis; and Ben Farr


Science and Comics Initiative Copyright © 2024 by Tien-Tien Yu; Kate Kelp-Stebbins; Luca Mazzucato; Audra McNamee; Dimitri DaMommio; Jayson Paulose; Rose Gibian; Tim Cohen; Nina Gomez; Kate Mills; Madison Ellis; John Toner; Radio Platenberg; Ben McMorran; Margaret Kyser; Mike Raymer; Samantha Cohen; Robert Schofield; Anja Bedrick; David Allcock; Page Biersdorff; Laura Jeanty; Ellyce Whiteman; Rebecca Frederick; John H. Postlethwait; Thomas Desvignes; Mary Hubbert; Isabel Lopez; Scott Fisher; Sophia Breslin; Ella Gordon; Dave Soper; Omar Khouri; Bentley Smallwood; Rachel Lukowicz-Bedford; Natalie Garcia; Richard Taylor; Saba Moslehi; Jessica Bolden; Pragalv Karki; Meghan Chrissakis; and Ben Farr. All Rights Reserved.


Comic book and cartoon artwork


Science and Comics Initiative
Tien-Tien Yu; Kate Kelp-Stebbins; Luca Mazzucato; Audra McNamee; Dimitri DaMommio; Jayson Paulose; Rose Gibian; Tim Cohen; Nina Gomez; Kate Mills; Madison Ellis; John Toner; Radio Platenberg; Ben McMorran; Margaret Kyser; Mike Raymer; Samantha Cohen; Robert Schofield; Anja Bedrick; David Allcock; Page Biersdorff; Laura Jeanty; Ellyce Whiteman; Rebecca Frederick; John H. Postlethwait; Thomas Desvignes; Mary Hubbert; Isabel Lopez; Scott Fisher; Sophia Breslin; Ella Gordon; Dave Soper; Omar Khouri; Bentley Smallwood; Rachel Lukowicz-Bedford; Natalie Garcia; Richard Taylor; Saba Moslehi; Jessica Bolden; Pragalv Karki; Meghan Chrissakis; and Ben Farr

Science and Comics Initiative Copyright © 2024 by Tien-Tien Yu; Kate Kelp-Stebbins; Luca Mazzucato; Audra McNamee; Dimitri DaMommio; Jayson Paulose; Rose Gibian; Tim Cohen; Nina Gomez; Kate Mills; Madison Ellis; John Toner; Radio Platenberg; Ben McMorran; Margaret Kyser; Mike Raymer; Samantha Cohen; Robert Schofield; Anja Bedrick; David Allcock; Page Biersdorff; Laura Jeanty; Ellyce Whiteman; Rebecca Frederick; John H. Postlethwait; Thomas Desvignes; Mary Hubbert; Isabel Lopez; Scott Fisher; Sophia Breslin; Ella Gordon; Dave Soper; Omar Khouri; Bentley Smallwood; Rachel Lukowicz-Bedford; Natalie Garcia; Richard Taylor; Saba Moslehi; Jessica Bolden; Pragalv Karki; Meghan Chrissakis; and Ben Farr. All Rights Reserved.

Primary Subject
Comic book and cartoon artwork
Additional Subject(s)
The Arts, Mathematics and Science, Science: general issues, Popular science, Neurosciences
University of Oregon
Publication Date
April 15, 2024